The Koi Herpes Virus test is performed using the latest technology, called Real-Time PCR. Real-Time PCR methodology is the latest, state-of-the-art technology for diagnosing most diseases.

How to take the sample

On a Live Fish: Simply swab the mouth, gills and rectum of the fish with a standard culturette. Place swab back into the protective sleeve and submit to the laboratory.

On a Dead Fish: Swab the same areas as above. You may also wish to send damaged tissues from the gills, mouth, etc. If tissues will not be sent over-night, preservatives not necessary.

If sending a dead fish, include sufficient ICE PACKS and send OVERNIGHT! When tissues and swabs are sent together, they will be tested as one and charged as one.

Sending Samples

Swabs do not need to be sent with cold packs or overnight. The organism is stable on a dry swab. As we are testing for the DNA of the virus, time is not critical. Tissues do not need ice packs or overnight shipment. Package all samples to prevent damage or loss during transport to laboratory! If results are needed immediately, we recommend using an overnight service (FEDEX, UPS, DHL,etc.) for fastest service.

How Long Does Testing Take?

All tests are run daily in our laboratory during weekdays or with arrangements for emergencies. Results are available the same day samples are received providing shipment arrives in laboratory BEFORE 10:30 AM. Later shipments are available the next business day. Saturday is a regular business day with tests and results being reported via fax and phone, usually between 2:00 PM and 3:30 PM Central Time Zone. A final hard copy is also mailed out at no additional costs. Positive results are personally called and we encourage our customers to call with specific requests or needs.